The Importance of Raising Godly Children in a Hell-Bent Society from A Father’s Perspective


Although this is written from a Christian and Canadian perspective, I know and have spoken with parents from many backgrounds and faiths. We all tend to agree on what is best for our children and that as parents we have inalienable rights when it comes to our children’s moral, spiritual, and character upbringing.

The challenges of parenting in a secular world

In today’s rapidly changing world, parenting has become an increasingly complex and demanding task. The secularization of society, characterized by a shift away from religious values and principles, poses unique challenges for parents striving to instill godly virtues in their children.

Amid a secular world driven by materialism and moral relativism, parents are confronted with the daunting task of safeguarding their children’s spiritual and moral development. Secular ideologies often prioritize individualism and self-gratification over the timeless values of compassion, humility, and righteousness. As a result, children are exposed to a barrage of conflicting messages, leaving parents grappling with how to counteract these influences and nurture a strong foundation of faith and godliness in their offspring.

The timeless significance of raising godly children

In a world where trends and cultural norms seem to change with every passing season or change in government, the importance of raising godly children remains steadfast and timeless. While the challenges and external influences may evolve, the fundamental values and principles rooted in godly upbringing remain constant throughout the ages, across all faiths and cultures.

Generation after generation, parents have grappled with the responsibility of nurturing their children’s spiritual growth. The timeless significance of this task lies in its profound impact on the individual lives of our children and, by extension, the broader society. As we instill values like love, compassion, integrity, patience, and faith in our children, we equip them to become beacons of light in a world often overshadowed by darkness, fear, and hate.

Scripture reminds us in Proverbs 22:6 that when we train up a child in the way they should go, they will not depart from it when they are older. This verse emphasizes the enduring nature of godly parenting—a legacy that can endure for generations to come. Our children, raised with a strong moral and spiritual foundation, become the vehicles through which God’s love and truth are perpetuated in an ever-changing world.

In a society where moral relativism and secularism are on the rise, the timeless significance of raising godly children becomes even more critical. Children, equipped with the armor of God’s Word, can stand firm in their beliefs, discern right from wrong, and serve as a source of hope, wisdom, and inspiration to those around them.

In essence, the timeless significance of raising godly children lies in the enduring impact they can have on the course of history, as they carry forward the torch of faith and righteousness, lighting the way for future generations to follow.

Scriptural foundation for our children and parenting

Our exploration of the importance of raising godly children in a society veering away from traditional values is deeply rooted in the wisdom and guidance offered by Scripture. The Bible serves as an unwavering foundation for our children, offering clear directives and timeless principles for parenting.

Proverbs 22:6 implores us to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse underscores the enduring impact of our efforts as parents and highlights the eternal truth that nurturing our children’s faith is a lifelong commitment.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 instructs us to teach God’s commandments diligently to our children, impressing them upon their hearts. This passage reinforces the idea that the transmission of spiritual knowledge and values is a core responsibility of parenthood.

Psalm 127:3-5 reminds us that children are a heritage from the Lord, emphasizing the divine nature of parenthood and the importance of stewarding this precious gift in alignment with God’s will.

Ephesians 6:4 cautions us fathers against provoking our children to anger but encourages us to bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. This verse highlights the delicate balance between discipline and love, reinforcing the need for a nurturing and spiritually rich environment within the family.

As we delve into the significance of raising godly children in a society marked by moral ambiguity, these foundational verses from the Bible serve as our compass, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of our divine calling as parents and the enduring importance of instilling faith and moral values in the hearts of our children.

Understanding the Society We Live In

Before we can parent and instill our values effectively, we must understand society’s objectives and methodologies in trying to shape the minds and steer the hearts of our children. Know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities that are looking to destroy the family as it was originally designed by God. The aim is to skew the truth and create confusion between what is right and what is wrong.

A secular and materialistic culture

Society today has a prevalent secular and materialistic culture that exerts a significant amount of influence on individuals, families, and communities. This culture places a high value on material possessions, personal success, and immediate gratification while often sidelining or dismissing spiritual and moral considerations.

Secularism, at its core, promotes a worldview that separates religion and spirituality from public life, relegating matters of faith and morality to personal beliefs only to be shared on Sundays within “private” settings. In this secular landscape, faith-based values and principles can often be marginalized or even challenged, making it increasingly difficult for parents to pass on their faith and spiritual heritage to their children.

Materialism, on the other hand, encourages the relentless pursuit of wealth and possessions as indicators of success and happiness. This obsession with material gain can divert attention away from deeper, more meaningful aspects of life, such as fostering spiritual growth, nurturing relationships, and developing character.

The impact of this cultural context on child-rearing is profound. Parents often find themselves navigating a landscape where secularism and materialism can promote values and behaviors contrary to their own beliefs. This presents a unique challenge in raising godly children who can resist the allure of instant gratification, remain grounded in their faith, and embrace a sense of purpose beyond material accumulation.

As society is driven more and more by secularism and materialism, the pursuit of instant gratification can lead individuals away from delayed rewards associated with spiritual and moral development. The emphasis on individualism can also erode the sense of community and collective responsibility, making it challenging for parents to instill a sense of shared values and social consciousness in their children. I believe that the erosion of a sense of community is why we are seeing mass shootings in our schools, malls, and streets.

Understanding the secular and materialistic culture we live in is the first step in addressing these challenges. It calls for a thoughtful and deliberate approach to parenting, one that equips children with the moral and spiritual compass needed to navigate a society where these values are often overshadowed by more secular concerns.

Moral relativism and its impact on our children

Moral relativism, a prevailing philosophy in today’s society, exerts a profound influence on our children’s worldview and ethical development. This perspective contends that morality is subjective, varying from person to person or culture to culture, with no universal standards of right and wrong. Its impact on our children is multi-faceted and concerning.

Firstly, moral relativism can lead to moral confusion among children. When confronted with conflicting value systems, they may struggle to discern what is truly right or wrong, resulting in ethical ambiguity. This confusion can hinder their ability to make principled decisions, potentially leading to ethical dilemmas as they grapple with conflicting moral perspectives.

Furthermore, the normalization of moral relativism can diminish the significance of ethical standards. Children may be less inclined to accept absolute moral truths, viewing values as subjective and flexible. This can make it challenging for parents to instill unwavering principles grounded in faith and morality.

In a society where moral relativism is pervasive, parents face the critical task of countering this trend. They must provide a solid moral foundation for their children, emphasizing the timeless, universal truths found in their faith and guiding them towards a clear understanding of right and wrong. In doing so, parents equip their children with the tools to navigate a world marked by moral ambiguity and uphold godly values in the face of moral relativism’s challenges.

The prevalence of negative influences

The prevalence of negative influences on children in today’s society is a matter of deep concern for parents and caregivers. These negative influences encompass a wide range of factors, including:

  1. Media Content: Children are exposed to a deluge of media content, including violent video games, explicit movies, and inappropriate online material. Such exposure can desensitize them to violence and immoral behavior.
  2. Peer Pressure: Peer groups have a substantial impact on children’s behavior and attitudes. Pressure to conform to negative behaviors like substance abuse, delinquency, or disrespectful attitudes can be significant.
  3. Social Media: The ubiquitous presence of social media exposes children to cyberbullying, unrealistic body images, and harmful online trends. It can also foster feelings of inadequacy and anxiety as they compare themselves to curated online personas.
  4. Consumerism: Advertising bombards children with messages about materialism, promoting the idea that happiness is tied to the possession of goods. This can lead to a distorted sense of values, where material possessions take precedence over character development and empathy.
  5. Broken Families: Divorce, single-parent households, or families with strained relationships can expose children to emotional stress and instability, impacting their emotional and psychological well-being.
  6. Lack of Role Models: A shortage of positive role models, both in the media and within their communities, can leave children without aspirational figures to emulate.
  7. Educational Challenges: Educational institutions, while essential for growth, can sometimes perpetuate negative influences through bullying, peer conflicts, or inadequate support for individual students’ emotional needs.
  8. Substance Abuse: The availability and accessibility of drugs and alcohol can lure children into risky behaviors and addiction.
  9. Online Predators: The internet also poses the risk of online predators who can exploit children’s vulnerability, posing serious threats to their safety.
  10. Cultural and Social Trends: Broader societal trends can also introduce negative influences. For instance, a culture of instant gratification can discourage patience, perseverance, and delayed rewards.

Addressing these negative influences requires a multifaceted approach involving parents, caregivers, educators, and communities. It involves open communication with children, setting clear boundaries, promoting critical thinking, and offering positive alternatives. Additionally, fostering strong values and resilience can help children navigate the challenges posed by these negative influences and grow into morally grounded, emotionally resilient individuals.

The Benefits of Raising Godly Children

The importance of raising godly children cannot be overstated. Combatting moral relativism and an array of negative influences is an endeavor that offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond the immediate family unit and have a lasting impact on both individuals and society as a whole.

Moral and ethical foundation

Raising godly children provides them with a solid moral and ethical foundation. Instilling timeless values rooted in faith helps them discern right from wrong, make principled decisions, and develop a sense of responsibility towards themselves and others. This moral compass guides them through life’s challenges, shaping their character and fostering empathy, compassion, and integrity.

Resilience against worldly temptations

In a world filled with various temptations and distractions, godly children are equipped with resilience against worldly enticements. Their strong faith and values act as a shield, empowering them to resist the allure of instant gratification, materialism, and negative peer pressure. This resilience contributes to their overall well-being and empowers them to make choices aligned with their beliefs.

Contributing to a more righteous and safe society

Godly children, raised with a sense of moral duty and social responsibility, play a pivotal role in contributing to a more righteous society. Their actions and values have a ripple effect, influencing their peers, communities, and ultimately the broader society. By embodying godly principles in their interactions and decisions, they promote a culture of kindness, justice, and compassion that benefits everyone.

Building a lasting legacy

Raising godly children is akin to sowing seeds of faith and righteousness that can bear fruit for generations to come. As they pass down these values to their own children and future descendants, they perpetuate a legacy of spiritual richness. This legacy transcends material wealth and worldly success, leaving a lasting imprint on their family’s heritage and society’s collective conscience.

Moreover, godly children often grow up to become positive role models and leaders in various spheres of life, including education, business, politics, and community service. Their unwavering commitment to moral and ethical principles sets an example for others to follow, inspiring positive change and fostering a sense of hope in an increasingly secular and morally complex world.

The benefits of raising godly children extend far beyond the immediate family circle. They form the bedrock of a more virtuous society, imbued with moral strength, resilience, safety, and a commitment to lasting values. As parents and caregivers invest in nurturing godliness in their children, they are not only ensuring the well-being and character development of their offspring but also contributing to a brighter and more righteous future for all.

Practical Steps for Raising Godly Children

In the quest to raise godly children within the challenging context of today’s society, practical steps are essential. These steps not only help parents instill values but also create an environment where children can grow spiritually and morally. Here are some practical steps for accomplishing this important task:

Be a Godly Role Model

Parents serve as the most influential role models in their children’s lives. Children often mimic the behaviors, attitudes, and values of their parents. Therefore, it is imperative that parents strive to be living examples of godliness. Demonstrating honesty, kindness, humility, and a strong faith provides children with a tangible model to emulate. Consistency between what parents preach and practice is paramount, as any hypocrisy can undermine the message of godliness.

Family Devotion, Discussion, and Prayer Time

Establishing a routine of family devotion, discussion, and prayer time is instrumental in nurturing a godly upbringing. These moments create sacred spaces where parents and children can connect spiritually, study religious texts, discuss their relevance in today’s society, and pray together. Reading Bible stories, discussing moral dilemmas, and sharing personal testimonies can all be part of these devotions. Such practices not only reinforce faith but also foster open communication within the family, allowing children to seek guidance and share their own spiritual journeys.

Choose the Right Community and Friends

Surrounding your family with a supportive and like-minded community can greatly aid in raising godly children. Active participation in a local church or religious organization can provide children with a sense of belonging and a broader network of positive role models. Additionally, the influence of friends cannot be underestimated. Encourage your children to form friendships with peers who share similar values and beliefs, as these friendships can reinforce the godly principles taught at home. After grade school, we placed our three children in a Christian high school to further their spiritual development in the difficult years when hormones and independence grow.

Teaching Critical Thinking and Discernment

In a society rife with conflicting worldviews and ideologies, teaching children critical thinking and discernment is crucial. Rather than sheltering them from opposing viewpoints, encourage open and respectful discussions. Teach children to evaluate information critically, distinguish between truth and falsehood, and discern the ethical implications of their choices. Equip them with the intellectual and moral tools to navigate the complexities of the world while staying true to their faith.

By implementing these practical steps, parents can create an environment conducive to raising godly children. These steps not only help children develop a strong moral and spiritual foundation but also prepare them to face the challenges and temptations of a secular society with resilience and unwavering faith.

For the full e-mail with chapters on overcoming challenges, getting support, combatting the ubiquitousness of cell phones, and the influence of the internet, you may download the “Raising Godly Children in a Hell-Bent Society” e-book.